World Heroes Supreme Justice Openbor Download
This is the new updated Wide-Screen version of my old WHSJE game which was released back in 2012-2013. Now the game is updated to be compatible with the more recent OpenBOR_v3.0_Build_4153 and includes a lot of bug fixes and tweaks as well.
Gameplay and Controls
The game is an arcade style beat 'em up in the World Heroes universe with 11 playable characters. In this game you have two main attack Buttons Punch and Kick like in DD games and you can perform different combos, special moves and slams with each Button. You can play as single player or up to 2 players co-op in the Story mode or in Survival/Boss rush mode. There is a Practice mode as well.
The game uses 4 buttons :
- Punch
- Kick
World Heroes Supreme Justice Extra OPENBOR 720P HD Playthrough Download: Check out the sit. File - Download World Heroes Supreme Justice Extra: Description: Always scroll to the bottom of the page to download files on We don't believe in fake/misleading download buttons and tricks. World Heroes Supreme Justice Extra World Heroes Supreme Justice Extra is a Freeware fan made game for the OpenBOR Engine.
- Jump
- Block
You can check all moves on the 'How to play' screen in the game or in the 'moves_list.txt' for more. Microsoft visual studio 2010 product key generator.
News and Fixes
- The game is now widescreen.
- Now all secret playable characters are directly available in the newly made select screen (11 playabe characters).
- There are made a lot more fixes and tweaks here and there and fixed all broken things. So now everything is working as intended.
The game is tested only with the OpenBOR_v3.0_Build_4107 and OpenBOR_v3.0_Build_4153 (included in download). I would recommend to avoid playing it on any other OpenBOR Builds.
- Game download page [1]
- New video preview [2]
- Download Compatible Android OpenBor Engine [3]
This game takes us back to the days of Street Fighter, yes it's a Beat em up. World Heroes Supreme Justice, developed by magggasuses the OpenBOR engine and has great graphics, great choice of locations and above all great game play. You have the choice list of 5 characters, each with their own attacks. The control system is that of four buttons to perform moves and combos (are the usual A, S, D + F to parry)
Are you the Ultimate Supreme Justice warrior?
(Be sure to define the key buttons before you play!)
Openbor How To
You can combine Punch and Kick combos like:Punch,Punch,Punch,Kick
Supreme Justice Tv Show